What is SRDI?

What is SRDI?

2022-09-23 11:31:01

What is SRDI?

What is SRDI

"SRDI" is short for Specialized, Refinement, Differential, Innovation.

SRDIs focus on a certain link in the industrial chain. Cite an example, Shenzhen Jingxintai Houseware Co., Ltd., branded with Lemoworld, focus on aromatherapy industrial chain, supply aroma diffusers, essential oils, etc. and Jingxintai got SRDI approved in year 2021.

How to be member of SRDI

Then, how will a company/organization be approved as member of SRDIs? Here are identification standards for SRDI:

Satisfying the following four conditions at the same time shall be deemed to meet the recognition conditions:

1. Engaged in a specific market segment for more than 2 years.

2. The total amount of research and development expenses in the previous year is not less than 1 million CNY, and the proportion of the total operating income is not less than 3%.

3. The total operating income of the previous year was more than 10 million CNY, or, the total operating income of the previous year was less than 10 million CNY but the total amount of new equity financing in the past two years (the amount paid by qualified institutional investors) reached more than 20 million CNY .

4. The evaluation score reaches more than 60 points or meets one of the following conditions:

4.1. Received provincial science and technology awards in the past three years and ranked in the top three among the award-winning units; or received national science and technology awards and ranked in the top five among the award-winning units.

4.2. The average of total R&D expenditure in the past two years is more than 10 million CNY.

4.3. The total amount of new equity financing (the amount paid by qualified institutional investors) in the past two years is more than 60 million CNY.

4.4. In the past three years, being member in the list of the top 500 national enterprises in the "Maker in China" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

Of course, it should be noted here that there are certain differences in the identification standards of SRDI enterprises in different regions, but the differences are not very big. And Shenzhen Jingxintai Houseware Co., Ltd. is member of SRDIs in Shenzhen, where has been identificated as one of the most advanced city over the world.   

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